Monday, November 17, 2008


I spent most of last night taking notes on the game with the intention of posting them, but as the game wore on, I focused more on my wife's computer's screen-saver and less on the game. Those white little stars did little to sooth me, but it helped. The game was ugly. I gave both offenses too much credit when I predicted the score. It was a mistake to make Redskins v. Cowboys the first game I watched with the intention of annotating. They weren't particularly good game notes, but it was a start. Unfortunately, I got too upset to bother. To sum it up: Dallas looked awful but the Skins looked worse.

If you want further information about Sunday night's flop, you may check out Redskins Karen's site. No doubt that she'll have some strong words for just about everyone in Burgundy and Gold.

The Mavs won too, thanks to a stand out performance by "Ze German." He played like he did two years ago when he won MVP and was playing for a juggernaut. Except last night, his team barely eked it out in overtime against a crummy team. My next post is going to be dedicated to just how far those guys have fallen.

And nothing worth mentioning happened in hockey. I'm not saying I checked to see, I'm just saying that nothing worth mentioning happens in hockey.

Your Second Favorite Football Team: 4, 6.
Your Second Favorite Basketball Team: 7, 3
Your Second Favorite Hockey Team: Meh.

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